Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Beginning of the End. 9th December

Hey hey,

Its been a good while since my last blog (sorry) it's currently exam week, and even though Im not worried about exams, it takes up a bit of my time. 

So 17 days left, WOW!!!!!!! That went by fast! Im in the mind set these days to suck up every single last drop of India I can get and not leave any regrets behind. Surely there will be somethings I still want to do and can't, such as going on the Maldaru Lake trek again, but its in the small things that Im focussing on checking off. 

Two weekends ago I was invited by Mr Pesevento, who teaches my astronomy after school group, to join in thanksgiving with his family and other staff. Cory and Isaac were also invited so we went up there at 5 in the evening. They live on Woodstock property in a collection of houses about 15 mins walk from school. The dinner was great, it was a full table of mashed potatoes, turkey, chicken, oh it was so damn good!!!! and to top it all of we all had pumpkin pies which I didn't think id like but they turned out to be amazing! It was pretty weird thinking that I was having my first thanksgiving diner in India :p After dinner we played a board game called 'Small World' its sort of like risk, but you have different civilisations and stuff. None of us had played it before so we spent 3/4 of the time learning all the rules. When it finally became dark enough we went outside with 2 telescopes and started to star gaze. We were out there till 2 am and it was lots of fun, cold, but fun. We spent the night there and made pancakes the next morning. We eventually got kicked out around 2 o'clock the next day because we had Christmas chapel so we had to go down to dorms, change and then go to school. The christmas chapel was pretty standard procedure, and belting out carols with Isaac was beautiful :)

Fast forward a week, to this most recent Sunday. For most of my time here there has been one big item on the things I want to do, and that was to climb Flag Hill at sunrise and experience the amazing snow peaks in all their glory. Sunday was the best opportunity so I asked around Hostel if anyone wanted to join me, most were interested until i said ill be leaving at 7am, then they got less interested. The only person who was up for it was Cory, what a surprise :p. I woke him up at 6:50 Sunday morning which he did not enjoy at all but we both knew it was gonna be worth it. We headed out of the weirdly silent Hostel at dawn and start the 45 mins walk to Flag Hill.

The view walking to Flag Hill

Sleeping dog on the side of the road
It's not a big hill and its easily accessible, but the views are the best in Mussoorie, and word has it, that on the odd morning you can see a mountain called 'Nanda Devi'. Mr Conrad initially told me about this phantom mountain that is only viewable in Mussoorie from Flag Hill on occasional mornings. I did a bit of research and I found out it's the tallest mountain completely in India (Not bordering other countries) and is the 23rd tallest mountain in the world at 7816m tall. I was hoping to see Nanda Devi but realised that it was likely I wouldn't. Cory and I quickly ascended the hill and long behold we got to the top then BAM!!!! the snow peaks leap out at you and you feel there essence, like there alive. I put my hand down my pocket to pull out my camera, but stop, I bring my hand out and instead just absorb the mountains. 

Tibetan prayer flags at the summit, thus the name 'Flag Hill'

Looked 200% better in person

Insert highly inspirational quote here
I pulled out my map of the mountains and we start identifying the peaks, we move left to right rattling of the names, Bandarpoonch, Swarghroni, Gangotri and so on. We get to the last mountain on the right, I look down on my map, then look back up at the mountains. 182 km's away stands the 7816m monolith, Nanda, Fricken, Devi! I look to Cory with a face of absolute disbelief and awe and we both start laughing. That moment is definitely in the top moments of my time here. 

Nanda Devi far in the distance

We spent about 30 mins in the summit just talking about stuff then we walked back down and had bun omelettes and sprite for breakfast and a local shop. We returned to dorms at 9:30 with everyone still asleep.


This Tuesday I went to Dunda village again, the village where i've been doing support work throughout the semester. This time was a special visit, not only was it my last one, but it was to mark the beginning of construction for the new school we are developing. I was there since the initial discussion of the school started and through weekly meetings and regular visits to the village we finally have started! I won't be around when the school finishes but they told me I was free to visit any time. Working in Dunda village has greatly pushed me out of my comfort zone but also increasing it in the process. I felt very comfortable during this visit and enjoyed it a lot. It has been an amazing opportunity and I'm sure ill remember it for the rest of my life! I have a few photos but Mrs Mark has all the good ones. 

A few of the kids that will attend the school

Group photo!!

School ends on Friday and I leave for the 'Winter Tour' which is a school ran tour of northern India for exchange students on the Sunday. I leave India on the 23rd and spend a few days, including christmas in Singapore. Mum's coming over for the Winter Tour so luckily I'm not gonna be all alone on christmas. I'll be back in Melbourne the night of the 26th. Im not to sure whether I can get a blog post up during winter tour but ill try. Until I next see you,

Stay well,
Lachy Wild

1 comment:

  1. I reckon this post shows some of the things you've gained from the past six months: good friends, fascination with nature, and exploring spirit, more understanding of rural challenges, value of education, and a singing voice... :) We will get on with using all of them a lot more in 2015
